Sunday, 23 March 2014

parent's of Apple founder

   Steve job's  real father is a Muslim and a Syrian named Abdul Fattah Jandali    

His mother and his mother an American Christian origins and its name Jonah 

A story created a sensation where she met Abdel Fattah and Jonah 's parents rightful Jobs and the couple had a child , 

but they decided that the wanna sen the baby for Adaption  
Stevejobs Apple2 دروس من أساليب ستيف جوبـز السحرية فى العرض !
Steve founder of Apple
 And actually adapted by his mother's adoptive " Klera "

 Throughout Jobs live with it he wants to looking for his father and his mother, and there was a motive inside this encourages him to act , but did not want to hurt the feeling ..When Jobs was decided that looking for his parents commissioned more than a criminal researcher for this task , but one of them does not work ..The thought occurred to him that his birth certificate has the name of the doctor who carried out the birth examining a him and this man was very great age , but shock that the clinic told him that the archive that contains the data of his birth has burned .....But after this period sent the wife of Dr. Jobs a letter from her husband to write Jobs written on it " delivered to Steve Jobs after my death ." 

 Open vy Steve message was content to apologize to Dr what he had done , and told him that the mother of Steve Jobs woman from the state of Wisconsin and the name Jonah ,

 but were not you want to know a real name to the parents of this child , therefore keeping her Dr. demand  that this is against the law and it is the reason which is obligatory for Steve to lie on in the first place

And went to the state of Wisconsin, and the search for his mother, and after that were not offset by his mother know that her son is Steve Jobs .... It is strange that Steve sister called " me."It is most unusual that Jobs had met his father more than once in his restaurant and he had given him a tip .... But he did not want to be matched and it was angry ...Jonah mother died in 2010, and is followed by the other the following year  Tomb Staff Jobs

Tomb of Steve Jobs in the form of iPad



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