Sunday, 12 January 2014

bill getz Microsoft inc founder and the richest man in the world

About Bill Gates

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft Corp.

One of the founders of Microsoft , which reach a personal fortune
Up to a hundred billion dollars from the first mission to the simple genius of his time in the technology business
Bill Gates was repeating to his teachers that he would become a millionaire at the age thirty years and has already done more than that and proved that he deserves to speak the words of Giants
Bill Gates Child: "I can do anything I put my mind all in"


Bill Gates was born in Seattle in the United States was from a rich family .
His father , " William" was a famous lawyer and his mother Mary was a teacher in one school and was a major cause in the composition and organization of his ambitions from a young age
Its inception
Since a young age and even which Rashid was not Bill likes to waste time even leisure.
 Bill was an ordinary man, but it was different and unique in some respects, and it was with an excellent memory
 He has always maintained : "I can do anything I put all my thinking in it."
He says one of his friends : " Bill was the smartest of all of us . , However, was modest and despite his young age , but he was talking like adults and it was everything he says is higher than the level of our thinking
Bill was loved participating in summer camps and exercise , especially swimming


Bill Gates was outstanding mathematics and science has to understand his abilities and his family after the primary stage Erslah to Lakeside School junior high level
Students also focuses more computer were three : Bill Gates , the Evans and Paul Allen , who was two years younger Gates grows
The three were sitting in front of the computer a lot of times until they understand the computer became more than their teachers
Bill Gates began at the age of fourteen years of age and no programs were limited games , and it was written in a language BASIC

Bill Gates at the age of 14 companies based programming

In 1969 , he created Bill Gates and Paul Allen company as " a group of programmers Lakeside computer "
A lot of things . At the secondary level , Bill continued in the work of software where he founded with his friend Paul Traf-O-Data company sells computer system contains a program invented to identify the data traffic flow in the American States .
This company has not achieved great success , but they have achieved from which a reasonable profit and useful experience .

The birth of a giant Microsoft Scripting

MICROSOFT CORPORATION crew workers in 1978 and shows Bill Gates is surrounded by the blue circle
After graduating from the school was expected from Bill Gates to come to Harvard University

Harvard University


But Bill Gates was found to be not the best at Harvard in mathematics
He used to say : " If I'm not the best at math , why follow in this area
 It was in the month of December 1974, Paul Allen was on a visit to Bill Gates
Which saw the magazine Popular Electronics. The image on the cover of the computer "ALTAIR 8800 brought to Gates
He knew that the PC will begin to availability of people began to think about writing programs for each computer

They contacted the company that designed the computer and was called MITS owner Ed Roberts and asked them easy to program a computer
 BASIC language program and Roberts says : "It was fantastic and really this was the turning point for the world of personal computers
This was the main reason for the birth of Microsoft Corp.

Journey and the microsoft

When Gates was in labor was appointed first secretary of the MS Miriam Lauper . When Bill returned Jets contacted one of the managers complain that a little boy came to the office of Gates and the futility of the computer. This was where the boy is Gates was  in twenty-one years of age

When he learned that the pair Miriam director 21 years old . Suggested it to be sure if they will catch a salary or not
Decided to Bill Gates and Allen to convey the company's offices to a bigger place to accommodate the staff
The number of employees of Microsoft when it collected 13 million dollars first , then moved to the Seychelles and all the staff chose to move with Bill Allen
 Gates was impatient faces of people quickly and staff found it difficult to deal with him and please him Whatever work was fantastic , Bill says you must Atorōh
IBM offered to Bill Gates and Allen to work on the production of the driver and its programs , but Bill Gates did not agree to their terms and went to the company had drivers named Steel products for the computer
Microsoft bought the rights of this program in the amount of $ 25 000 . Developed and became a named MS-DOS

And sold to IBM Corp
 Successive applications , which was established by Bill Gates

Developed a program word processor WORD 1.0 and developed and cost the company 3.5 million dollars for advertising and experience
Bill Gates collect 30 of the best programmers and spent two years in an attempt to invent Windows
The results were disappointing , but the invention of the mouse was impractical at the time
The war between Microsoft and Apple were sometimes up to the courts and this picture shows the difference between the Steve Jobs And Bill Gates

Bill Getz and Steve Jobs in a program









On 13 March 1986 Microsoft entered the stock market and became a Paul Allen and Bill Gates

Of the richest Americans, but Bill Gates had been living his life the same way

Paul Allen co-founded Microsoft Corp


In March 1986 Microsoft moved once again to new locations to accommodate the 1,200 employees at Parkland In 1999, the Gates book " Business and the Speed ​​of Thought ," a book that shows how computer technology can be a mechanism set up business in new ways, innovative . The book has been published in 25 languages ​​and is available in different more than 60 countries. And received the book " Business and the speed of thought" more widely distributed , and earned him a place among the list of best -selling books "The New York Times" , " U . S . Eh . Today" , " Wall Street Journal " and the " Amazon" It was Gates' previous book , " The Way Forward " , which was published in 1995 has topped the bestseller list in the " New York Times " for seven weeks .Gates has made ​​a profit to donate books Monday charitable organizations working to promote the use of technology in education and skills development.The richest in the world and donates a third of his fortune to charityBill and Melinda Gates and philanthropyBill Gates married Melinda Frncio of Dallas and the couple had three children, Jennifer Katharine GatesRory John Gates and Phoebe Gates EdelGates and possesses one of the most expensive houses in the world where supervised home on Lake Washington in the U.S. capitalGates and spends an annual tax for the house and the ground million

Bill Gates' home from inside

Bill Gates home from the outside









Between Gates and Collectibles collection of writings own leonardo Da venci bought Gates worth 30.8 million dollars at an auction in 1994.

Bill Gates : " Is the rich world aware of how to live Milidaras of humans? Was conscious that , for the rich intervention And providing assistance to them, " has been translated Bill Gates was quoted as saying in 1994 when he founded the Gates " by the Bill and Melinda charity "
The Foundation has provided assistance to the peoples of the third world minorities in the fight against diseases

In 2000, the foundation has awarded the University of Cambridge amount of 210 million dollars to the annual Gates grant for students
The organization has spent more than 7 billion dollars or 7,000 million dollars in other areas
According to a report published by Forbes magazine in 2005 , Gates exchange more than 28.4 billion dollars on projects and charities
It has to be spent one-third of the wealth to charity
Bill Gates ranks of global
 included in the list of power to the Sunday Times in 1999
was named executive director of the year the magazine (chief executive officers magazine) in 1994
The first class in the " Top 50 Internet elite " of (times) in 1998
The second class in the elite top 100 in 1999, and included in The Guardian as one of the " Top 100 influential people in media " in 2001
Gates was first on the list of " Forbes 400 " from 1993 to 2005 and the first on the list of Forbes ' richest people in the world " in 1996-2005
Except for 1997 when added to the Sultan of Brunei in Alaúhh Although Forbes policy to exclude ordinary Heads of State
Gates received an honorary doctorate , from the Royal Institute of Technology , Stockholm , Sweden in 2002, and the University of waseda in 2005.
I also give the title of Commander of the British Knights of the Kingdom of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II in 2005
Says Steve Palmer one of the founders of Microsoft, Bill is likely to be more person receives e-mails in the world saluting

It receives more than 4 million email per day and mostly unwanted messages junk


Bill Gates ideas and secrets of his success

Most of Bill Gates personal beliefs about hard work and hard and trying to succeed as much as possible
Bill believes in you if you're smart and learn how you can use your intelligence to achieve the impossible. He thinks that if you did not make Kassar effort to work will not succeed
Bill Gates dreamer and ambitious , but also works hard to achieve his vision and ambition , he says: " unhappy clients are the greatest source of your learning ."
Belief that high intelligence and spirit which are highly competitive Oouselah to its position today as well as he was in the right place at the right time
He does not believe in luck , but believes in hard work , perseverance and the spirit of competition
Some small software companies claim that they even released a product for which the program is better than Microsoft,
They can not be marketed because Maekerosvet will always be on the lookout for shopping and match the price of its product
Bill Gates 's response to these allegations that this is a positive competition and will continue to compete with them until the last day of his life
These are some of the views of Bill Gates is worth mentioning that Bill Gates chose an Arab country and is in Egypt on his first visit to the Middle East

War between Microsoft and Google

Begins the story of the dispute between Google and Microsoft specifically when Google chose the former chief executive of Microsoft Kai-Fu Lee to lead the branch operations in China and the presidency of the Center for Research and Development in Beijing , prompting Microsoft to sue Google for violating an agreement not to compete

It is said that Gates acknowledged in a note addressed to his top aides that the executives at Microsoft to move quickly to put forward a list of services on the Internet
Allow to stand against the powerful competitors in a reference to what could be posed by Google of new products and services 

 Bill Gates said recently : "You will see Microsoft 's response at Google's search engine this year , a month is like honey Google is nearing its end. Few days will reveal to us is difficult to read future events , and in any case , the war between Google and Microsoft will be channeled to our interest

The wealth of Bill Gates in numbers

Bill Gates wins $ 250 every second , which means 20 million dollars per day , or about eight billion dollars a year 

If lost or exchange thousand dollars will not affect him because it is offset by over four seconds
If Bill Gates paid the debt of the United Nations itself Cisddha in less than ten years, noted that debt amounting to five and a half trillion dollars

 If you gave each and every one on the planet will remain $ 15 with $ 5 million
- If Bill Gates state , was ranked 36th among states in affluence 

- If Windows users in the whole world took one dollar from Microsoft every time the computer attached
The Bill Gates will be bankrupt after three year

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